Sea In Between


Seas are often perceived as what stands in between places, a barrier, and what makes an island an island. In Galicia (northern Spain), old land registry certificates used to describe the limits of coastal land property as "bordering England to the North, sea in between". That surprising description in a legal document, that almost reads like...

New Nature


What is nature? And why do we need the term? Throughout history, nature has been perceived as the "Other," a counterforce to culture, all that is devoid of humanity, and a looming menace. But today we have to acknowledge that we are intertwined with nature. That we are indeed responsible for a New Nature that needs a new definition.

Hemlock is well-known for being the source of the poison that Socrates took to fulfil his death penalty. It is one of the most poisonous organisms known, with a meagre 0.2 grams of it enough to kill a person [1]. One plant, with its roots which are the most poisonous part, can weigh more than one kilogram.

How do we ought to decode the images generated by AI-based algorithms? In the absence of human agency, what meaning can these works have, if any? Can we just refer back to the input given by the user?

Wytham Woods was donated to the University of Oxford in 1942 by Raymond and Hope Ffennell. They wanted the woodland to be dedicated to education and research, and to be named after their late daughter who had died a few years earlier: The Woods of Hazel.

The images below were taken in the Windrush river, crossing through the Cotswolds in South East England. The river is contaminated with raw sewage on a daily basis. This is one of the regions on Earth with highest income per capita.

The Commute


I sit on an early morning train to London. There is no daylight yet, although the warmth of summer is still strong. My eyes want to go back to sleep. Passing alongside the Thames I spot a great heron. She tells me that she too is falling asleep, dreaming of flooded meadows and willow seeds in the air. I hear...

Old Gold


I used to live in Tapia de Casariego. It is a quiet fishing village on the North coast of Spain. In the port, a few fishing boats share the calm waters with sport crafts, brought here by summer visitors. During the summer months the village goes through a slow metamorphosis. Day after day houses are re-filled and windows let the...

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